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Video : What Is New in ER/Studio 19.2?
Discover all of the new features in ER/Studio 19.2 including improved support for MongoDB, new platform support for JSON instance ...
Video : Creating Hierarchical Models with ER/Studio for MongoDB and JSON
Discover how ER/Studio can help you create hierarchical models for the NoSQL document-oriented database MongoDB and JavaScript obj...
Video : What Is New in ER/Studio 19.1.1?
Discover all of the new features in ER/Studio 19.1.1 including an intelligent export facility for WhereScape. ER/Studio can now pr...
Video : Building an Enterprise Data Model with Universal Mappings
In this video, Jamie Knowles demonstrates how to build Enterprise Data Models (EDM) with Universal Mappings.
Video : What Is New in ER/Studio 19.1?
Discover all the new features in ER/Studio 19.1 including integration with Callibra and improvements for Oracle Database.
Video : The Benefits of Data Modeling
Due to the increasingly data-driven nature of modern organizations, organizations must reap the benefits of data modeling and data...
Video : What Is Data Modeling
Data modeling is a method for visually representing information systems and the relationships between elements within them.
Video : What Is New in ER/Studio 19
Discover all the new features in ER/Studio 19 including an improved business glossary with graphical visualization, support for Mi...
Video : What's New in ER/Studio 18.5
Discover all of the new features in ER/Studio 18.5, including a new ribbon bar, reverse and forward engineering for Oracle Databas...
Video : Consolidating Data Assets with ER/Studio
Learn how to use ER/Studio Data Architect to consolidate data assets in this video.
Video : Migrating a Legacy Database to PostgreSQL using ER/Studio
In this video, see the new core product support for PostgreSQL in ER/Studio, including how to migrate existing legacy databases to...
Video : Governing Data with ER/Studio
In this video, learn how to use ER/Studio to build a solid foundation for data governance.
Video : Getting Started with the Repository in ER/Studio Data Architect Professional
This short video shows how to get started with the ER/Studio model repository, including login, project creation, and diagram addi...
Video : What's New in ER/Studio 18.4
Discover all the new features in ER/Studio 18.4, including support for Snowflake as a core platform, added logical data types, and...
Video : Document a Database As Part of a Data Governance Initiative with ER/Studio
In this video, discover how to document a database as part of a data governance initiative, including browsing Business Glossary w...
Video : Document a Database As Part of a Broader Data Modeling Initiative with ER/Studio
Discover how to document a database using ER/Studio as part of a broader data modeling initiative, with an enterprise logical mode...
Video : Document a Database As Part of a Localized Initiative with ER/Studio
Learn how to document a database as part of a localized initiative with ER/Studio, including reverse engineering, auto-generating ...
Video : Documenting a Database with ER/Studio - Overview
In this video series, learn how to reverse engineer a database then document the physical model with business friendly metadata us...
Video : What's New in ER/Studio 18.3
Discover all the new features of ER/Studio v18.3, including core product support for the latest versions of PostgreSQL and new ema...
Video : Documenting a Database with ER/Studio Data Architect
In this video, learn how ER/Studio Data Architect helps with the process of documenting a database to understand its contents can ...
Video : Create a Database with ER/Studio Data Architect
Learn how ER/Studio Data Architect helps with designing a new database, building a logical data model, creating and deploying the ...
Video : Where is My Data?
Learn how to effectively map where data lies within your database platform and how to effectively model this environment with ER/S...
Video : Design Data Movement (ETL) with ER/Studio Data Architect
Take a deep dive into designing data movement (ETL) in IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect.
Video : Create New Target Database with ER/Studio Data Architect
In this video, discover how to create a new target database using IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect, including how to use a physica...
Video : Compare Models and Make Decisions with ER/Studio Data Architect
Learn how to use IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect to compare the logical models of a source database with the target while consoli...
Video : Document a Database with a Logical Model with ER/Studio Data Architect
Discover the steps to documenting a database with a logical model using IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect.
Video : Reverse Engineering a Database with ER/Studio Data Architect
This video demonstrates how to reverse engineer an existing database using IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect.
Video : Document a Database with ER/Studio Data Architect
Learn how to document a database using IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect, including taking a tour around a logical and physical model.
Video : Consolidate Some Databases with ER/Studio Data Architect
In this video, discover how IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect can be used to consolidate some databases.
Video : Change Management with ER/Studio Data Architect
In this video, learn how to manage change in development and production environments using IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect.