Geek Sync Webcast : Storage for the DBA

Presenter: Joseph D’Antoni
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One of the biggest issues in database performance centers around storage. It’s also one of the hardest places to troubleshoot performance issues because storage engineers and database administrators often do not speak the same language.

Join IDERA and Joseph D’Antoni as he looks at storage from the perspective of the database administrator and the storage administrator. He will be digging into LUNs, HBAs, the fabric, as well as RAID Groups. This is a special Geek Sync you will not want to miss.

About Joseph:

Joseph D’Antoni is a well-known Senior Consultant and SQL Server MVP. He is currently a Principal Architect for Denny Cherry and Associates and has experience working in both Fortune 500 and smaller firms. Joey specializes in many areas within the industry including SQL Server, Oracle, Red Hat Linux and more. He gives back to the community by frequently speaking at major tech events and blogging on his site, The SQL Herald. Joey believes that no single platform is the answer to all technology problems.

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