Webcast : Managing a Multi-Platform Database Environment

Presenter: Joseph D'Antoni
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With IT budgets being stretched thin, the ability to support multiple database platforms is an important skill to have in the IT portfolio. In fact, a lot of IT pros become “accidental” managers of their second platform. This webinar will provide insights into SQL Server and Oracle, Windows and Linux, examining their similarities, their differences, and tools that can ease the pain of multi-platform management.

  • Learn about the complexities and similarities of managing a multi-platform environment.
  • Learn about multiple operating systems and their differing needs.
  • Compare and contrast Oracle and SQL Server and see the differences in managing each platform.
  • Bridge the knowledge gap using database tools.

Speaker(s) Joseph D'Antoni is an Senior Architect and SQL Server MVP with over a decade of experience working in both Fortune 500 and smaller firms. He is currently Principal Consultant at Denny Cherry and Associates in Malvern, PA. He is frequent speaker at major tech events, and blogger about all topics technology. He believes that no single platform is the answer to all technology problems. He holds a BS in Computer Information Systems from Louisiana Tech and an MBA from North Carolina State.

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