Geek Sync Webcast : Understanding Oracle Database Security

Presenter: Bert Scalzo
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Database security is critical these days with all of today's growing regulatory and privacy requirements. While application developers might build some basic access security into their code, ultimately the buck stops at the database as the last bastion or firewall against data theft. So what Oracle features should DBA's know and consider using? How do they work? What overhead if any do they add? Can those supplant or supplement what the developers build into the applications? DBA's now more than ever must consider database security far more than just creating simple database user accounts.

Join IDERA and Oracle ACE Bert Scalzo while he covers all of the many fundamental database security mechanisms within Oracle and how to best leverage them. Furthermore examples both good and bad will be shown to make key points. Afterward DBA's may well see their Oracle security options and alternatives in a far more comprehensive and positive light.

About the Presenter:

Bert Scalzo is an Oracle® ACE, author, speaker, consultant, and is the Senior Product Manager at IDERA. He has three decades of Oracle® database experience and previously worked for both Oracle Education and Oracle Consulting. Bert holds several Oracle Masters certifications and his academic credentials include a BS, MS and Ph.D. in computer science, as well as an MBA. He has presented at numerous Oracle conferences and user groups, including OOW, ODTUG, IOUG, OAUG, RMOUG and many others. Bert’s areas of interest include data modeling, database benchmarking, database tuning and optimization, "star schema" data warehouses, Linux® and VMware®.

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