

Welcome to Precise 10 for Oracle. My name is David Owen. I am the product manager for Precise. I will be demonstrating the new Precise 10.0 GUI [graphical user interface] for Oracle. The Precise GUI [graphical user interface] has been completely rewritten in the latest web technology using the center XJS framework and also written HTML5. This means the Precise can be launched now in Chrome, Firefox, as well as Internet Explorer. It also means there is no longer any need for [Adobe] Flash or [Microsoft] ActiveX. As you can see the Precise GUI [graphical user interface] looks very much the same as it does in the previous version. So with Precise. So let us look at how we launch Precise. So let me open up a new tab here. So I use the same sort of format as I did before with the server name and the port number. But to launch the new GUI [graphical user interface] I must have this much Precise suffix. It takes us to our login screen. And here is this application. Let us see what happens if I just use the old URL [uniform resource locator]. So again I am just putting in the server name and the port number. If I do that I get a little pop-up which basically says that I can only run this on Internet Explorer 9 or above. So that is the key difference you have to be aware of is to make sure you use the slash Precise as the suffix. So let us look at our Precise for Oracle environment. You can see it looks very much the same as we had in previous releases. We have got the instances on the left on the right-hand side. Because the details showing our in Oracle time in terms of our chart showing whether it is used in CPU [central processing unit], I/O [input and output], locks, etc. And then below that, we have the find ends. So let us have a look at one little difference here. You know this week of this little red box here. So if we click on the red box this brings up the column chooser which used to be previously only on the right-hand side. In turn. Now you can see that we can add or take away columns. Or we can export this to the Precise custom portal. Okay so let us look at how we dive into Precise. So obviously we have got our top findings here. They are all sorted in terms of color code, red being the most severe. And we can see that we have got a particular find in here that says this particularly a heavy statement is consuming 29% of the total in Oracle time. Let us click on that. It then takes me to the SQL tab within Precise. On the left-hand side here we have got the execution plan. We have got the text below that. We will also show that the different plans that are available for this SQL segment. In this particular case, it is only 1. We have got the time spent within Oracle. And then we have got the S maybe cost for this. So let us click on the execution plan. Here we bring up the text. And then we also bring up the find them. So you can see that we have got a heavy find injure of the heavy parallel coordinator. By clicking on what if. This is now going to invoke either the Precise or Oracle advisor for that particular statement. And it will look at what findings it can find here within Oracle and also any recommendations. So you can see it has come back. And it has come back with an index creation as our recommendation. If there were multiple ones then we get a whole list of these. Within it we can evaluate that particular index. And we get a little pop-up message now to say do we want to evaluate it. Just against the top three statements in this particular case. Or do you want to evaluate it against all statements? Because it is only 17 statements I am going to choose all the statements. Obviously depends on the number of statements. In the facts as to what is the best option to choose. Then come back with a list of those statements whose performance could be impacted by this. For this an improvement here on the left-hand side. Or whether it is any deterioration. So we can see we got fives are going to improve as a result to this. And then below that, we have the actual list of statements themselves So we can see with this top one literally spend 11 minutes and 37.8 seconds on average and 2.7 seconds predicted cost with this particular index change. Likewise the same with the next one is 20 minutes 15 seconds and that will be reduced under 4.6 seconds. So this is great to help us to find out exactly where our performance issues are, what can be done to help them, and what they are likely saving is going to be within Precise and run missing Oracle.

Precise for Oracle Database’s New GUI

Precise for Oracle Databases helps ensure that your business applications perform at peak efficiency by collecting and analyzing key performance metrics over time. It can detect and correct the root cause of performance problems whether in the application, database, or storage. With Precise for Oracle Databases, organizations can monitor all Oracle instances from a single console, optimize database performance tuning, accelerate problem resolution, and reduce IT support costs. Learn More →

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