Solution Brief : SQL Compliance Manager

IDERA Security and Compliance Solutions for FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations mandate the confidentiality and protection of student information in any educational institution that receives funding from the US Federal Government from kindergarten through the university level. To demonstrate compliance, FERPA requires institutions to audit data changes and maintain logs of all student information activity. This solution brief provides information about the FERPA regulations and guidance for how IDERA security and compliance solutions help to address them.

  • Identify database security violations and ensure security policies are enforced
  • Track and audit changes to your SQL Server objects and data
  • Establish policies for backing up and restoring your FERPA data
Presenter: IDERA
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Try SQL Compliance Manager FREE for 14 days

Monitor, audit and alert on SQL Server changes

  • Audit sensitive data to see who did what, when, where, and how
  • Monitor and alert on suspicious activity to detect and track problems
  • Satisfy audits for multiple industry regulatory requirements
  • Select from over 25 pre-defined compliance reports and create custom views
  • Lightweight data collection agent minimizes server impact
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