The database code in your organization is indeed a valuable asset – an asset that needs to be protected while also enabled to be continually changed and improved by your development team. When database developers collaborate as a team, it’s important for the team to have access to the code while also being aware of what their teammates are working on. When multiple changes by different developers on the same code occur, it almost always leads to confusion and loss of productivity while the correct version is identified.
Having an IDE (integrated development environment) designed specifically for database developers can greatly improve both the performance of the individual by utilizing the different productivity enhancers in the product, but it can also provide a seamless integration point for the developer to work with a version control system. Having a version control system as part of your development environment, you’re able to provide the security of locking down your code, providing the ability to have an audit trail for the work that has been done and by whom.
Here, as we open a project in Rapid SQL, we can see that there is one stored procedure currently being checked out by another developer. If we need to work on yet another stored procedure, we can easily check out that stored procedure, open it up to make our changes, and when completed with the changes, simply check it back in, add any comments, press ‘OK’, and our code is checked back in to source code control. It’s really that simple.
If you don’t have your database code protected like the valuable asset it is, or maybe you do and you find yourself manually integrating with a control system, we invite you to take a look at IDERA Rapid SQL to experience a new way for database developers to work with version control systems.