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Capacity Planning Query Analysis Cross-Platform Predictive Alerting All-In-One Monitoring
All-In-One Monitoring Query Tuning Workload Analysis Historical Insights Cloud-Ready Optimization
Real-Time Auditing Regulatory Compliance Access Monitoring Audit Logs Cost Control
Permission Management Security Analysis Security Policy Templates Change Detection Risk Assessment
Audit Instances View SQL Server Builds Migration Availability Analysis Workload Tuning
Instant Recovery Advanced Recovery Policy-Based Management Centralized Management Global Infrastructures
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For technical teams who manage complex data environments, we offer productivity tools that allow you to minimize risk and maximize profitability. Only IDERA delivers tools that span on premises, cloud and hybrid platforms and put you in full control of the data management lifecycle — letting you tame big data challenges and turn cost centers into growth assets. IDERA is a division of Idera, Inc.
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