Whitepaper : Cloud Repatriation - Moving Databases Out of the Cloud

Author: Robert Agar
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The promise inherent in new paradigms can often be the impetus for making major decisions in the business world. Companies want to take advantage of any perceived method of becoming more productive and gaining a competitive edge over their rivals. A majority of organizations are also searching for ways to control costs while maintaining the levels of service and performance that their customers require and expect.

Cloud computing models have become popular with large and small businesses in many market sectors. Migrating all or part of a computing environment to public cloud service providers is an attractive route that offers multiple potential benefits for participating companies. The public cloud market is doing well and continues to attract new customers. It shows no signs of slowing down soon.

Unfortunately, not all cloud migrations wind up providing the expected benefits. A migration may be re-evaluated when it is time for a contract to be renewed. It may also be reconsidered for unforeseen issues that arise with an organization operating from a cloud model. This can cause the decision to repatriate databases by bringing them back from the cloud and hosting them in an on-premises data center. Cloud repatriation can be a smart strategy for some enterprises.

This whitepaper describes the journey a database can take to the cloud and back home again. The whitepaper discusses:

  • why databases are migrated to the cloud
  • problems encountered in database cloud migrations
  • repatriating databases back to the data center

Presenter: Robert Agar

Robert Agar spent a long and diverse career specializing in data backup, recovery, and compliance among other areas of the IT world. Tired of being woken up at all hours to provide support, he embarked on a new career as a freelance writer focusing on various areas of the tech sector. Outside interests include music, sports, and poker. He shares his home office with two green-cheeked conures who suggest topics and engage in the occasional proofreading exercise.

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