Webcast : The liability of data: Securing data in SQL Server

Presenter: Daniel Janik
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Many people often refer to data as an asset, especially today. There are endless possibilities of slicing and mining every ounce of information out of it. Every security professional will tell you that it's actually a liability. Data breaches are expensive, damaging, and seen all too often. As data value of data grows the liability grows at the same rate. This webinar is focused on securing your data in SQL Server. Join me as I discuss how to secure your data and share tips on logins, roles, permissions, and more.


Daniel Janik has been supporting SQL Server for 18 years. Six of those years were at Microsoft Corporation supporting SQL Server as a Senior Premier Field Engineer (PFE) where he supported over 287 different clients with both reactive and proactive database needs. Daniel has presented at many community events and SQL Saturdays.

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