Webcast : Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Database Performance of MySQL and MariaDB

Presenter: Patrick O’Halloran
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Database performance problems affect the responsiveness of the business-critical applications that they support. Everyone wants their databases to run smoothly, but how can you achieve that? It is essential to have access to detailed, real-time information on the performance of database servers and databases. It is also important to use diagnostic tools to quickly locate and resolve performance issues in the early stages before they affect the organization. Monitoring and improving the performance of database environments is much more straightforward with quality monitoring applications and the right alerts in place. Join IDERA’s Patrick O’Halloran to learn how to continuously monitor and analyze MySQL and MariaDB to ensure application responsiveness and database security with SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL. It monitors agentless and in real-time to allow you to take corrective action and resolve significant issues proactively before they affect end users.

Speaker: Patrick O'Halloran is a Senior Sales Engineer at IDERA, specializing in the Precise solution set. He has been a technical specialist and IT consultant for over 30 years. Working as a programmer in a variety of languages, product manager, and independent consultant, he has expertise in a broad range of technologies that deliver web-based content, from JavaScript and HTML, to Java and .NET, to RDBMS tuning. The one common line in his varied job descriptions has been "Other duties as assigned."

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