Geek Sync Webcast : How To Think Like The Engine

Presenter: Brent Ozar
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When you pass in a query, how does SQL Server build the results? I will give you a scenario: I'm the end user sending in queries, and the SQL Server engine is my client. Using simple spreadsheets as tables, you'll learn how SQL Server builds execution plans, uses indexes, performs joins, and considers statistics. This session is for DBAs and developers who are comfortable writing queries, but not so comfortable when it comes to explaining nonclustered indexes, lookups, sargability, and fill factor.

About Brent Ozar

Brent Ozar loves to make SQL Server faster and more reliable. He created sp_Blitz® and sp_AskBrent®, coauthored Professional SQL Server 2008 Internals and Troubleshooting, and he loves sharing knowledge at He's a Microsoft Certified Master of SQL Server.

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