Webcast : Common SQL Server Development Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Presenter: John Miner
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There are several ways to write code for SQL Server to accomplish a task, but are you always following best practices and producing the best code possible?

In this webcast we will look at ways to improve your SQL Server code and some approaches that can make a big difference in overall performance and maintainability. Some of the things we will look at include: use of cursors, missing indexes, use of temporary tables and a lot more.

Join us for this free webcast to learn how to avoid costly mistakes.


John Miner is currently a Microsoft Technology Solutions Professional (TSP) advising North East District (NED) corporations on how to solve their business needs with data platform solutions. He has over twenty five years of data processing experience, and his architecture expertise encompasses all phases of the software project life cycle, including design, development, implementation, and maintenance of systems.

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