Webcast : IDERA Live | Be Proactive: A Good DBA Goes Looking For Signs of Trouble

Presenter: Eric Cobb
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Database Administrators today seem to be busier than ever, and the last thing you need is to have to spend all of your time fighting fires. That is why taking a proactive approach to database performance and maintenance helps to keep you ahead of the "trouble" and prevent the little problems from turning into full blown emergencies. In this session we will look at routine database maintenance, as well as setting up SQL Agent alerts for corruption, resource issues, and fatal errors. We will also take a look at index analysis, identifying slow queries, and a few other things to help ensure that your databases are running smoothly.

Speaker: Eric Cobb

After a 14-year programming career as a web and software developer, Eric Cobb decided to move full time into the world of databases and became a SQL Server Database Administrator, earning 2 SQL Server MCSE certifications along the way, and now manages a team of SQL Server professionals. Eric regularly presents and blogs about SQL Server, with a focus on teaching database administration and design concepts to the developer community, and frequently speaks at Developer and Database conferences throughout the country. In 2019 Eric was selected to be a 2020 IDERA ACE, for showing a passion in helping the developer community and sharing his knowledge.

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