

Thank you for your interest in Precise for PeopleSoft. We are going to explore end-user measurement combined with deep technical visibility. That is actual metrics. Do not just monitor, but do something about it. We ultimately believe that better visibility produces better outcomes. So, let us take a look at Precise’s value proposition. With PeopleSoft: one application, at least six technologies, numerous end users. It is not trivial to answer such questions as: “Is a user having a problem?” “What PeopleSoft panel are they exercising?” “Where within the application stack is the problem?” Those are essentially the questions that Precise answers. And we believe that we can help you avoid problems. But when they do occur, that we can reduce mean to time to resolution. Now, what typically happens is an end-user tries to complete a transaction. It could be like a student registration. It could be a [...] transaction. It could be a purchase. Meanwhile, all of the great people within IT are unaware of this end-user too often, until the end-user self-reports a problem. Then what happens is: Basically we have this firestorm, where people open up their point tools and take a look at what is going on and try to discern what is happening. Now what happens is that by only looking at a subset of the application stack, it becomes very difficult to know even the basics: “What user?” “What transaction?” “Where in the application stack?” The way that Precise for PeopleSoft solves this problem is by tracking the end-user transactions -- starting in the browsing, through the network, into the webserver, into Java, Jolt, Tuxedo, into the database, and finally into storage. And we capture the total transaction time as well as each step along the way. And this answers for us: “Who?”, “What?”, “When?”, “Where?”, and “Why?”. So, that is root cause. Precise provides recommendations. For certain things, we provide modeling. And ultimately, we also track continuously 24-by-seven, so that you can measure before and after. You can actually measure the improvement. And really bring six sigma measure by measurement to application performance management. So let us take a look at the day in the life. Maybe an end-user did call you. You can log into Precise. You can bring up the transaction view. The y-axis shows response time. The x-axis shows what time across the day. There is a stacked bar graph that represents each tier in the application stack from the client through the web server, Java, Tuxedo in kind of that pink color. And then the dark blue is database. Down here are the individual PeopleSoft panels. So, please consider that we actually translate the URL into a panel name. And that allows IT to speak the same language as the end-user community. With this, I can further isolate by sign-on ID. So, I can say: “Alright, let us take a look at the activity that came from Alex Nett in the individual PeopleSoft panels that she exercised.” And say: “Oh, content measurement.” Then I can focus on that particular transaction. And Precise automatically captures and builds out this step-by-step view of what that transaction did -- ending in a SQL statement. Every significant business transaction interacts with the system of record. And in this case, it is pulling data back. And so, consider what we just looked at: All of the transactions in my PeopleSoft environment. The ability to filter by an end-user, so I can help that specific user. Capturing the end-user ID is another benefit: It allows the end-user community to be aware that IT knows what they are doing. And once you start doing that, the end-user community starts to behave themselves a little bit better. Because it is not just about the server, the number of CPUs and memory, and all of those technical matters. It is also how the end-users exercise the application. So, that end-user visibility is absolutely crucial. Now here we presented this view. And now, I can enable the DBA not to “Hey, it looks like there is a database issue.” I can have them focus on that particular SQL statement. So, Precise answers in just a couple of clicks: “Who?”, “What?”, “When?”, “Where?”, and “Why?”. This video is short and sweet. If we have intrigued you, we invite you to request a demo where we can discuss these matters and show you alerting, reporting, and dashboards so that you can share this visibility with all of the stakeholders in your organization. Thank you very much.

An Overview of Precise for PeopleSoft

Precise for PeopleSoft reports directly on response times of PeopleSoft end-users or batch processes, and identifies emerging performance bottlenecks within or across tiers. It provides actionable advice when application performance departs from targets or norms.

Precise for PeopleSoft helps IT drill into PeopleSoft transaction paths to see the detailed root cause information. This information helps them solve performance problems quickly, often before end-users or batch processes are impacted.

Precise for PeopleSoft proactively monitors PeopleSoft performance by collecting the real-time status of the major performance metrics and comparing them to established organizational thresholds. When a potential problem is detected, it can send notification in the interface or via email and it can take defined corrective actions.

Precise for PeopleSoft makes it easier to align server and storage capacity with the growing needs of the business by connecting transaction performance with the infrastructure it touches.

Precise for PeopleSoft eliminates monitoring complexity by providing a single solution and a common set of data for all personnel across tiers. This access facilitates collaboration among different teams and simplifies consulting additional domain experts that in turn drives faster problem isolation and resolution. Learn More →

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