

Good morning. My name is Steven Stout. I am one of the pre-sales consultants here at IDERA. In this session, we are going to cover off looking at creating custom dashboards and the ability to actually add custom counters to the tool. The IDERA SQL Diagnostic Manager tool is extremely configurable. And the area were looking at today is looking at the realm of the dashboards themselves. And as we can see in this example in front of me looking at the doc note dashboard I have got quite a lot on screen. Maybe this is configured for a senior DBA [database administrator] with a lot of information. And what we are actually seeing here what we refer to as panels. These are collections of information relating to a particular topic. So this case CPU [central processing unit] or memory or networks and things. As I said this has got a lot of information. But it is very easy to configure own. If we come to the customizer pane. Here we will then see how we can actually build these dashboards. So as I said I have got a lot of information here. I have got to go columns by four rows. But I can choose a much-simplified layout if I so wish. I can have many dashboards. Each user can have many dashboards. And just rotate and select between the ones they want. So it is a very open system. But on the right-hand side here you can see all the panel panels we might actually want to bring on board. I am reading on a board is literally just a case of clicking on the panel and dragging it into place. If there is a hole there it will just fill the hole. If there is already something there it will just replace it. In fact, the one I was just looking at their custom counters is quite interesting. Because that is an area we are going to look at in a moment. Custom counters are how you actually extend the monitoring capabilities of SQL Diagnostic Manager. We are not arrogant enough to necessarily believe that we monitor everything you might need out of the box. But we do make it very easy to extend the monitoring capabilities. Anyway having added that one in. Let us go and just close the designer now. I can save this for future use. Or to say before this moment in time looking. Within the dashboard here. We can now see that custom counters area. And it is very easy to basically pick up and change what you want to be displayed there. So here I am currently looking at a single value from the custom area. But if I click on here we can see some other available custom counters. And I can just click on the ones I want to bring to play. And say okay. And I displaying those custom counters within the space. As you have probably seen. We call these different color headers turning up. The gray headers are literally telling me that none of the metrics in this particular area are currently in a warning state or a critical state. Where the yellow are telling me that I have got at least one warning alert coming from that particular grouping. And similarly for the red. As you can see a very easy setup. These custom dashboards. To make sure they present you with the information you require. But now let us look at how we actually extend the monitoring capabilities to bring in those custom cards. As we just described just there this is done. Actually down here on the administration tab. The administration tab contains a number of areas including that application security. So how you grant people access to the application. But for what we are looking at today. We are looking at the custom characters. And it is very easy to extend the capabilities of the tool. Let us click on add here. You can see the type of things we can actually do. So we can add in additional Windows counters. Other matches coming from a SQL Server itself. Either the machines virtual machine metrics. So these are ones that are coming from the hypervisor levels on the VMware. They Hyper-V. And also we can run SQL scripts. And as long as they return a single number that we can actually plot on the graph. As you saw earlier Or alert against them. That is fine. And we can use these to instrument your own applications. In fact if we just follow this through. Taking the Windows counters. So that is which server we are going to run it against. And then we can actually look at the various range of objects. We are talking about here. So these are all the various metrics that are available in the WR metrics. The kind of ones you might see in perform on. You see there are hundreds of these possibly even thousands. In fact the ones are true actually looking at before which are up in the processor area. They down here. So I just want to add another one. I can say okay. I want to look in the processor group. And we need under. There is another full set of metrics relating to two processors. So in my case, I mean looking at process at a time. And then potentially the individual cause in this server that we might want to monitor. That is exactly how these are added in here. In fact these were done for a client who was interested in monitoring the individual core usage CPU [central processing unit]. Because he was setting up a parallel server. And he just wanted to make sure that he was correctly loading here. Because in his system another type. As I mentioned previously. Is the idea of being able to look at SQL. And here is one that we wrote for being able to track how long it was ago that a particular database is backed up. Now in the current version of SQL Diagnostic Manager, we already have an agent to track this for you. But it is a useful example anyway. This is a very simple piece of code. And it is literally just telling us how many days this was since this particular database is backed up. But I have seen examples of code here with many pages of SQL. Here to fully instrument your application going forward you.

How to Create Custom Dashboards and Add Custom Counters in SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server

IDERA SQL Diagnostic Manager is a powerful performance monitoring and diagnostics solution that proactively alerts administrators to health, performance, or availability problems within their SQL Server environment. SQL Diagnostic Manager allows DBAs to discover potential and existing problems, analyze the state of their SQL Server enterprise, and generate reports.

Using a unique agent-less architecture, SQL Diagnostic Manager gathers diagnostic information in real time, keeping database administrators and managers informed by providing customized alerts The deployment of SQL Diagnostic Manager comes in two parts. The installer automatically deploys the IDERA Dashboard which is an interface for IDERA products and next it installs SQL Diagnostic Manager application Learn More →

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