For more information, please refer to the whitepaper Benefits of Third-Party Tools for MySQL



Top five features of SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL

The database performance monitoring tool SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL (SQL DM) has distinctive features that make it a great solution to provide database teams with the requisite information to keep things running smoothly.


1 Agentless architecture

  • Better than installing agents on each monitored database

  • Easier deployment and maintenance, and more secure

  • Less strain on monitored databases


2 Real-time monitoring and alerting

  • Necessary to ensure database performance and availability

  • Provides details of impacted resources and offending activities

  • Helps to resolve problems promptly


3 Monitors and advisors

  • Difficult to watch all key metrics with native tools

  • SQL DM provides 600 different monitors and advisors

  • They cover all aspects of MySQL database performance


4 Configuration change tracking

  • Quickly identify changes that may affect database performance

  • Investigate recent changes when performance degrades

  • One of the first things to do for troubleshooting


5 Superior diagnostics and analysis

  • Find and fix performance problems quickly

  • Reliable and customizable diagnostic solution is essential

  • Makes life much easier for database teams


How to choose a performance monitoring tool

Database teams need to focus on the following aspects of their databases:

  • Past performance: Understand what happened to databases to determine what issues need to be addressed

  • Present resources: Know what resources databases need to handle past issues to prepare for upcoming requirements

  • Future expectations: Clearly understand future workloads to predict capacity needed to adequately prepare for changes


Industry-leading performance monitoring tool
SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL

  • Has everything needed to keep databases humming

  • Ensures that applications run smoothly

  • Keeps end-users and management happy

What are the top 5 features of DM for MySQL?

The database performance monitoring tool, SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL (SQLDM for MySQL), has distinctive features that make it a great solution to provide database teams with the requisite information to keep things running smoothly.

Download Free Trial of DM for MySQL
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