Database Wait State Monitoring for SQL Server

SQL Workload Analysis

Monitor and diagnose detailed database wait states and application transactions

Problematic SQL queries can severely reduce the performance of SQL Server and the business-critical applications that it supports. With the SQL Workload Analysis add-on, continuously monitor and analyze server workload, leverage the simple user interface that focuses on wait states and application performance, and troubleshoot problematic SQL code from changes made to database applications.

SQL Workload Analysis
  • Perform real-time analysis with continuous SQL sampling intervals
  • Know instantly where databases are spending time
  • Quickly isolate slow SQL statements and drill down for actionable advice
  • Investigate historical query plan trends
  • Utilize automatic recommendations to improve query performance

SQL Workload Analysis gives us the information to push third-party application support to address their coding issues when it is not a database problem.

Harold Blevines, IT Director, Macon Water Authority

(state and local government, USA)

For 100% of surveyed organizations, SQL Workload Analysis resulted in an improved database end-user experience.

survey of users of SQL Workload Analysis

SQL Workload Analysis provided us with the ability to validate the impact of problems and suggested fixes.

Engineering Director, Kaiser Permanente

(Fortune 500 company, healthcare, USA)

of surveyed organizations, the most important features of SQL Workload Analysis are its customizable web dashboard with drill-down analysis, and its detailed query monitoring and query wait time analysis.

Survey of users of SQL Workload Analysis

  • Monitor continuously

    Monitor wait states and capture transactions of applications.

  • Sample at high frequency

    Get a real-time view of the entire instance and database with continuous sampling and high granularity as fast as 1 second.

  • Integrate with SQL Diagnostic Manager

    From the dashboard of SQL Diagnostic Manager, launch SQL Workload Analysis in context to isolate further the transaction causes of alerts for a quick resolution.

  • Drill-down for actionable advice

    Easily drill down to isolate problems quickly. View details of the captured transactions to pinpoint problems.

  • Resolve issues

    Display and tune execution plans with actionable expert recommendations, illuminate demanding transactions, and resolve locks and latches.

  • Analyze historical trends

    View valuable real-time and historical data to help tune queries. Investigate historical query plan trends in SQL Server version 2005 and newer.

  • Customize dashboard

    Display a quick and comprehensive overview of statistical analysis and activity trends of top database activity in the customizable dashboard.

  • Identify top problems

    Isolate slow SQL statements, and illuminate demanding operators.

  • Tune SQL queries

    Receive automatic expert advice to improve SQL queries, and analyze and tune execution plans.

  • Install agentless

    Monitor instances remotely from a dedicated framework machine. No need to install agents, additional services, databases, tables, and extended stored procedures on the production systems.

  • Deploy web console

    Access a single web console via a web browser from any machine that can connect to the framework machine.

  • Deploy with low impact

    Simple architecture significantly reduces server footprint, simplifies the installation and upgrade process, and eliminates risk agents on the performance of the monitored instances.

  • Install on cloud virtual machines

    Unify your control by running SQL Workload Analysis on cloud virtual machines with Windows — such as Azure Virtual Machine (VM) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

  • Manage SQL Server on cloud virtual machines

    Monitor your SQL Server instances running on cloud virtual machines — such as Azure VM and Amazon EC2.

  • Monitor hybrid environments with a single tool

    Save time by using the same performance monitoring tool for SQL Server databases on-premises (on your physical and virtual machines); and in the private, public, and government cloud (on virtual machines).

  • Access mapped cloud drives

    Get the most out of the cloud with cloud storage that is mapped as network drives or removable drives on Windows. For example, map storage to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Azure Blob Storage.

Let's get started.

Start your 14-day trial, no credit card required (but all fields are)

SQL Workload Analysis is an add-on for SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server.


If you would like to speak with a representative, then please call +1 (713) 523-4433.

Ready to see how SQL Workload Analysis can help you monitor and diagnose detailed database wait states and application transactions?

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SQL Workload Analysis is an add-on to SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server.


SQL Workload Analysis Datasheet

Everything you need to know, all in one downloadable PDF


Overview of SQL Workload Analysis

See the top benefits and features of SQL Workload Analysis in this short video

SQL Workload Analysis

Introduction to SQL Workload Analysis

Learn how to explore top monitored instances, focus on problematic occurrences, and more.


How Can SQL Workload Analysis Help You?

Learn about the key points of how SQL Workload Analysis can help you

Compare SQL

Comparison of SQL Diagnostic Manager Editions

Compare the features of SQL Diagnostic Manager, SQL Workload Analysis, and SQL Query Tuner

White Paper

A User-centric, Collaborative, Holistic Philosophy of Tuning the Application Stack

Scott Stone describes a user-centric, collaborative, holistic tuning philosophy to optimize application performance

You can view the list of all resources for SQL Workload Analysis in the Resource Center.

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