Idera ER/Studio Data Architect Enterprise Tool for Data Architects to Design and Document Data Assets

A Full Suite of Modeling Tools for Data Architecture Professionals

A data governance solution suite with an intuitive, user-friendly interface

Data modelers and architects are tasked with the task of taking requirements for critical data assets from multiple stakeholders and translating those into implementable designs, all within a data governance framework. Whether you are creating a new model from a conceptual model or modifying an existing asset by making changes to reverse-engineered model, data architecture and design tools with robust functionality are critical to make the following tasks quicker, easier, more accurate, and more collaborative:

  • Building out an enterprise data model as entity relationship diagrams (ERD)
  • Create a data catalog to support data governance initiatives and seamless metadata management
  • Discovering and documenting your existing data assets
  • Laying the foundation for robust data governance and data management
  • Extensive Database Platform Support

    Access and manage models for multiple relational and big data platforms, both on premises and in the cloud. Extensive platform support is enabled through native and database-specific ODBC connections.

  • Forward and Reverse Engineering

    Generate physical data models from existing database designs. Construct graphical models from existing database or schema, for both relational and big data platforms. Easily apply design changes with formulated alter code.

  • Data Dictionary Standardization

    Define and enforce standard data elements, naming standards and reference values for use across and between data models.

  • Advanced Compare and Merge

    Enable advanced, bidirectional comparisons and merges of model and database structures.

  • Business Data Objects

    Represent master data and transactional concepts with multiple entities and relationships, such as products, customers, and vendors.

  • Submodel Management

    Allow creation of multi-leveled submodels, merge submodel properties across existing models and synchronize submodel hierarchies.

  • Naming Standards

    Assign a naming standards template to models, submodels, entities and attributes for automatic application between logical and physical models.

  • Automatic Migration of Foreign Keys

    Maintain foreign keys to ensure referential integrity in database designs.

  • ”Where Used” Analysis

    Display mappings between logical entities and attributes to their implementation across physical designs.

  • Model Completion Validation

    Automate model reviews and enforce high-quality data standards by validating for missing object definitions, unused domains, identical indexes and circular relationships.

  • Data Lineage Visualization

    Visually document source/target mapping and sourcing rules using a drag-and-drop interface to understand Extraction, Transformation, and Load (ETL) data movement across systems.

  • Source-to-Target Mapping

    View the relationships between the source and target, how the data flows from one table to another, and how the data is transformed.

  • Dimensional Modeling

    Leverage complex star and snowflake schema designs and support importing rich dimensional metadata from BI and data warehouse platforms.

  • Metadata Integration

    Import and export metadata from BI Platforms, UML and data modeling solutions, XML Schemas and CWM (Common Warehouse Metamodel) to create a metadata hub.

  • Data Classification

    Categorize and label objects according to the level of security and privacy.

  • Permission Management

    Enable user, role and group permissions at the logical and physical level.

  • Security Attributes

    Define data security types and properties to be observed and enforced for compliance.

  • Security Center Groups

    Streamline security administration with local or LDAP groups, improving productivity and reducing errors.

  • Advanced Graphics and Layout

    Automatically create highly readable, highly navigable diagrams with one or a combination of layouts.

  • Automated and Custom Transformation

    Streamlines the derivation of one or more physical designs from a logical one and checks for normalization and compliance with the target database.

  • Rich Text Editing

    Easily edit text in data object fields, with integrated spell-checking, embedded hyperlinks, and text wrapping.

  • Extensible Automation Interface

    Automate tedious, routine tasks such as coloring tables, enforcing and applying naming standards, globally update storage parameters and integrate with desktop applications.

  • Multiple Reporting Formats

    Publish models and reports in a variety of formats including HTML, RTF, XML Schema, PNG, JPEG and DTD Output.

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Modern Data Architecture

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Deliver Data-Driven Capabilities

See how Werner Enterprises harmonized and standardized their understanding of information and data for all business users.


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Maintain Data Governance During Rapidly Changes

See how to manage and migrate data all classified against a business glossary

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Frequently-Asked Questions

A business glossary is produced by a data governance program to outline and demonstrate an organization’s understanding of business terms, business concepts, and the relationship between the two. This forms the accepted and approved definitions of the vernacular of the organization to ensure the meaning of data is well-understood, reducing ambiguity and risk.

A data catalog refers to a collection of metadata organized to enable easy search and management. Data cataloging is the process of organizing metadata in this way.

Organizational analytics programs are increasingly augmented with machine learning algorithms, the ongoing need for business intelligence remains — and business intelligence is supported in critical ways by data clarity and consistency across a variety of data sources, two things which data modeling tools like ER/Studio help facilitate.

Idera ER/Studio provides the basis for creating the shared language that forms the foundation of an effective data governance strategy, thus enabling companies to prioritize data privacy and keep customer data and other sensitive information secure. Policies and rules can be attached to important information to ensure compliance.

Data governance software, also sometimes called data stewardship software, is a suite of tools that helps organizations manage and improve data quality, compliance, usage, storage, and more. In addition, data governance platforms help organizations monitor security and metadata repositories.

A data governance program is the implementation of a robust data governance strategy, which includes measures for improving and managing data quality, managing data issues, identifying users and data owners, cataloging metadata, and more.

ER/Studio Data Architect Professional Product Benefits

Data Architecture

Document, design, and communicate data assets more quickly and easily

Round-trip database support gives ER/Studio Data Architect users the power to easily reverse- and forward-engineer, compare and merge, and visually document data assets across multiple relational, NoSQL, and ETL platforms and data sources. Built-in facilities automate routine data modeling tasks database analysis and optimization, making data warehouse designs faster than ever.

Group multiple entities aligned to a specific area into a Business Data Object

Create Business Data Objects by assigning one or more related entities to a BDO. Then, users can easily view attributes, definitions, or other information about the entities in the objects. These BDOs are then reusable objects that can be used in other submodels within the model. Users can quickly expand or collapse a Business Data Object (BDO) to simplify the model view for different end users and audiences.

Document Business
Securely Store

Streamline collaboration on data models in a team environment through a shared repository

The Repository (included with ER/Studio Data Architect Professional) provides a secure and scalable environment for model and object version management and change management. Data modeling teams can check-out and check-in portions of the same model to work collaboratively within the repository, and easily identify which model objects have been checked in using the model explorer tree.

Easily compare differences between two data models or databases, and merge changes between them

ER/Studio Data Architect’s Compare and Merge wizard helps you reduce duplication and risk associated with multiple data sources and platforms. Quickly compare data models and databases to identify differences, and determine whether to merge differences to the source or the target. ER/Studio generates the Alter scripts to implement the changes for a database.

Business Glossaries
Manage Models

Manage and track model changes against user stories or tasks

In ER/Studio Data Architect Professional, data modelers can create change records to represent user stories or tasks aligned to the development workflow, and then associate them to models stored in the Repository. Object check-in and check-out within the Repository can be linked to a specific change record stored in the Change Management Center.

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