The Importance of ER/Studio in the Delivery of a Successful Data Fabric

What is Data Fabric?


The idea of a “Data Fabric” started in the early 2010’s. Forrester first used the term in their published research in 2013. Since then, many papers, vendors, and analyst firms have adopted the term. The goal was to create an architecture that encompassed all forms of analytical data for any type of analysis with seamless accessibility and shareability by all those with a need for it.

Data Fabric is about optimizing the journey from source to consumer. But this journey can be hard if you don't know what data is available as the source or be able to connect the requirements of the consumer to what is available. Furthermore the journey can present risk to the organization if the wrong people get the wrong data and use it for the wrong purpose.

Further details and an insightful whitepaper is available on

How does ER/Studio contribute to Data Fabric?


ER/Studio is a tool for Data Architects to design and document data assets within a data governance framework. Valuable knowledge on what information the organization cares about and where that data is is maintained in models and published to the wider organization through an attractive web based environment.

ER/Studio contributes the data storefront to the data fabric, allowing consumers to browse for information and establish both its availability and its meaning and rules. As requirements for data come in they can be located within the data catalog and plans for inclusion in the warehouse, lake or virtualization platforms made.


Want to find out more about IDERA Data Fabric?


For a wider understanding of the IDERA Data Fabric and to understand how key technologies are combined within a single framework to deliver improved efficiency and cost, improved availability, improved security and governance, and reduced risk we invite you to join our live webinar, presented by Claudia Imhoff, or you can request a copy of Claudia Imhoff’s Whitepaper.


Creating a Successful Data Fabric for Your Enterprise

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Creating a Successful Data Fabric for Your Enterprise
